This story follows newlyweds Tricia and Ethan. They are house hunting, but just as they arrive to view a secluded property, a heavy snowstorm strikes. It quickly becomes clear that they’ll be stuck in the old, sprawling house for a few days. Soon, they discover that this isn’t just any house—it’s the home of Adrienne Hale, a renowned psychiatrist who mysteriously vanished without a trace a few years ago.

The book alternates between the present-day events with Tricia and Ethan and flashbacks to Adrienne Hale’s past. Step by step, we uncover the truth about what happened years ago.

(Spoiler alert!)

When mysterious things happen in books like this, I sometimes get frustrated with the characters. For example: the footprints, the painting being rehung, the glass and the food in the kitchen—how on earth does Ethan not believe Tricia when all of these are clear signs that someone else is in the house?!

Once again, Freida delivers a fantastic read. This time, I was convinced I’d figured it all out, sure that Freida couldn’t surprise me anymore. But… you guessed it—I was wrong.


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