Everyone said the second book in the series was the best, and they weren’t wrong—I absolutely loved it!

Feyre’s story picks up as she battles overwhelming guilt, deep trauma, and doubts about everything and everyone around her.

The enemies-to-lovers trope took me by surprise after the first book. But once everything clicked into place, it all made perfect sense. It’s definitely a slow burn, but every single moment was worth it.

While the romance gets a lot of attention, the plot doesn’t take a backseat. The looming threat of King Hybern and his followers is just as compelling and keeps the tension high.

This book had me hooked from start to finish. I laughed, cried, felt frustrated, and ended up completely overwhelmed. A story that puts you through so much deserves nothing less than five stars!

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

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